Dr. Michel Dacorogna is head of DEAR-Consulting, a company advising financial institutions on actuarial and economic matters. He is the former scientific adviser to the chairman of SCOR. He conducts research in the field of insurance mathematics, capital management and risks. He is Member of the board of the Research Center on Insurance Risk at the Nanyang Technical University of Singapore, where he collaborates with the center on their various initiatives. Until July 2013, Michel was deputy group CRO of SCOR in charge of Solvency II and the internal model. Michel is author and co-author to more than 75 publications and his book: “An Introduction to High Frequency Finance” remains a reference in the field. He also lectures at several European universities. Michel received his Habilitation, Ph. D. and M. Sc. in Theoretical Physics from the University of Geneva in Switzerland and did a post-doc at the University of California in Berkeley.

Prof. Dr. Ashkan Nikeghbali is full professor of mathematics at the University of Zurich where he holds the chair in mathematical finance. Besides mathematical finance, his research areas include probability theory, random matrix theory and probabilistic number theory.

Prof. Dr. Ludger Overbeck is professor of applied mathematics at the University of Giessen in Germany since 2003. His academic interests are stochastic analysis, mathematical finance and quantitative methods in risk management. Previously he was working for 10 years with Deutsche Bank in risk analytics and with Deutsche Bundesbank in the banking supervision department. Ludger has advised financial institutions in the areas of risk management, portfolio management, financial engineering and pricing of structured product. He has published in many academic and applied journals. He is author of the books Introduction to Credit Risk Modeling together with Christian Bluhm and Christoph Wagner, and Structured Credit Portfolio Analysis, Baskets and CDOs together with Christian Bluhm. Ludger holds a Ph.D. in probability theory and post doctoral degrees in applied mathematics from the University of Bonn and in economics from the University of Frankfurt.

Lars Schmidt-Ott has been CEO of the Capital Effciency Group AG since 2002, the leading Mezzanine platform for SME in Europe with € 2,2 bn AUM. Before CEG Lars was Member of the Executive Team of Swiss Re New Markets and in charge of Global Banking. He was also a Managing Director for the investment bank Fox, Pitt-Kelton. Before Swiss Re he was with Boston Consulting Group and with the department for Mergers & Acquisitions of UBS. Lars studied Finance at the HSG St. Gallen and the Ecole Superieure de Commerce de Paris.